Gabriel dos Reis Sezefredo

Gabriel dos Reis Sezefredo

I’m a Software Engineer from Brazil.

Do you remember when we used to have big and heavy 13” CRT monitors with resolutions around 800x600? Well, being around 10 y/o at that time, I was starting to code my first html websites to list all my favorite online flash games, and sharing these with friends.

Creating something from a simple text file and letting other people interact with it fascinated me. When I look back, I really can’t think of myself doing anything else for a living, technology is just part of my bio, and I’m sure that it is, in some way, part of yours too.

I really enjoy working with the fresh from the oven tech out there and I often find myself spending more time than I should tinkering with this new programming language with 3 contributors on github. At the same time, I value the robustness of an old school enterprise level project built for large scale and enjoy working through a well structured architecture.

Starting small, and architecting for growth has always been one of my main goals, and one of the areas that fascinates me the most. I feel like spending the time to architect a solution for a challenge in clever and creative ways and seeing it evolving and ultimately running as a final project is one of the most rewarding things of my profession.

I’m a believer that everyday is a day of learning, even in the most subtle ways, even if we don’t notice it, all interactions count towards our current self, we just have to allow ourselves to embrace discovery and go after the unknown.

What is this website?

This is a space that I intend to post my personal ideas and interests, I plan to update this blog regularly with anything that is going on around me and I feel like writing more than 140 280 characters about.

© 2021 - gabrieldrs